
Syntax of Input


The input is given in a free format using predefined keywords. Keywords starting with double arrow allow to structure the input. The input following a >>keyword, is related to this >>keyword until an other >>keyword is specified, e.g.

  discharge  10.
  node       9823
  start   0.5
  stop    1.5

A double-arrow without a keyword ends the input reading, i.e. all the input that follows is ignored. Lines starting with a slash (/) in the first column are considered as comments and are ignored. The keywords are given in the same order as they should appear in the input file. If a number has to be specified, r denotes a real number and i denotes an integer number. String lengths are limited to 32 characters unless explicitely specified.

Include Files

The syntax also allows for include-files. Example: If you have stored polygon information on a file called 'data.ply', you can refer to this file in your input file with: 

 include 'data.ply'

The program then reads from the file 'data.ply' until an end_of_file marker appears or the keyword '>>'. Then the program continues to read from the input file.


Options allow to specify the input that is being read.  They are invoked on the command line using the prefix @ (on Windows: %), e.g.

flumen name_of_input_file  @optionA,optionB

They are defined in the input file with parenthesis {name_of_option    ... }, e.g.

{optionA  inflow 150. }

Important: The option_name must directly follow the { character (no space).

Further, the character | can be used to express an else condition.

{optionA  inflow 150.
|optionB inflow 250.

That means either optionA or optionB is valid. If no option is defined, a default value can be specified, e.g.

{optionA  inflow 150.
|optionB inflow 250.
| inflow 10.

Options on different levels allow for structured input,  e.g.


 Example A:

{hq30  inflow 150.
|hq100 inflow 250.
| inflow 100.

Starting the program with :

flumen input_file @hq30

the program takes the value 150 m3/s as the model inflow.

Example B:
{scenA inflow **
0. 10.
1. 120.
2. 40.
|scenB inflow **
0. 10.
0.5 150.
1.0 10.
|hq100 inflow 250.
|hq300 inflow 370.
| inflow 100.

Starting the program with :

flumen input_file @hq30,scenB

the program takes the hydrograph with peak discharge of 150 m3/s.

(c) 2016 fluvial.ch